If you are looking for a practical way to cut your gasoline expense bill, you may consider building your own electric vehicle (EV). With the recent fuel price hike, many car owners are finding it difficult to run their car and maintain a monthly budget at the end of the month. Some have no choice but to leave their car at home and use the public transportation. In actual fact, most people use their car for short commute round town or for groceries shopping. One good solution to remove our dependency on Entergy fossil fuel is to start using an electric car.

Most new electric vehicle from the manufacturer is still relatively expensive. If you are familiar with the workings of an automobile, you can convert your gas driven car into an EV at your home garage. The concept of an EV is quite simple. What you have to do is replace the internal combustion engine with a DC electric motor. Since the engine is gone, all its supporting components such as exhaust pipe, fuel pump, radiator and fuel distribution lines are also to be removed. To supply the electricity need by the motor, a series of deep cycle batteries are used. You will need about 20 batteries to supply power to the motor. An electric vehicle can achieve a mileage of approximately 150 miles per charge. The actual distance an EV can cover will depend of the weight of the car, the driving condition, the driving speed and also the condition of the batteries.

For a car enthusiast, converting a car to run purely on electricity via a Do It Yourself (DIY) approach is quite easy. However, for someone that has no car maintenance knowledge, doing the conversion may be a challenge. In this case, you can send your car to a professional mechanic to be retrofitted. To be prudent, you should at least have some basic idea on the science of an electric vehicle. You can acquire the knowledge from numerous electric car conversion guides available on the internet.

If you are looking for a practical way to cut your gasoline expense bill, you may consider building your own electric vehicle (EV). With the recent fuel price hike, many car owners are finding it difficult to run their car and maintain a monthly budget at the end of the month. Some have no choice but to leave their car at home and use the public transportation. In actual fact, most people use their car for short commute round town or for groceries shopping. One good solution to remove our dependency on fossil fuel is to start using an electric car.

Most new electric vehicle from the manufacturer is still relatively expensive. If you are familiar with the workings of an automobile, you can convert your gas driven car into an EV at your home garage. The concept of an EV is quite simple. What you have to do is replace the internal combustion engine with a DC electric motor. Since the engine is gone, all its supporting components such as exhaust pipe, fuel pump, radiator and fuel distribution lines are also to be removed. To supply the electricity need by the motor, a series of deep cycle batteries are used. You will need about 20 batteries to supply power to the motor. An electric vehicle can achieve a mileage of approximately 150 miles per charge. The actual distance an EV can cover will depend of the weight of the car, the driving condition, the driving speed and also the condition of the batteries.

For a car enthusiast, converting a car to run purely on electricity via a Do It Yourself (DIY) approach is quite easy. However, for someone that has no car maintenance knowledge, doing the conversion may be a challenge. In this case, you can send your car to a professional mechanic to be retrofitted. To be prudent, you should at least have some basic idea on the science of an electric vehicle. You can acquire the knowledge from numerous electric car conversion guides available on the internet.


Build Your Own Electric Vehicle – Practical Ways to Cut Gasoline Expenses